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Luke Honey Ltd I Antique Chess Sets & Games

A Games Compendium by J. J. Mechi, circa 1870

A Games Compendium by J. J. Mechi, circa 1870

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Am Antique Coromandel and Brass Inlaid Games Compendium by John Joseph Mechi, circa 1870

the coromandel box with a lid inset with a brass roundel to the top, opening to reveal a folding leather and gilt chess and backgammon board and 'lift-out' tray holding an inlaid ivory cribbage board, a set of 28 bone and ebony dominoes, bone scorers and bone dice, two wooden whist markers, playing cards and rules for Bridge and Bezique, the hidden section beneath holding a set of thirty two 19th century Chinese Export Cantonese ivory filigree counters: the front panel folding down to reveal a pegged bone Staunton pattern chess set, stained red and left natural, the king 7cm high, the pawn 3.5cm high, with key, 33.5cm wide, 19.5cm high, 18.5cm deep, with inset brass plaque inscribed: I. J. Mechi...Maker...112 Regent St. London.

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